Want to Increase Hotel Revenue? Focus on Guest Experience
With over 83% of guests looking at recommendations from friends, family and an active online community, guest experience is critical for conversions
Simple Superpowers For Improving Your Hotels Guest Experience
You should be more focused on providing an exceptional guest experience to everyone that you welcome into your hotel, let’s put it into action!
Experience Economy and Consumer Experience
For the travel and tourism industry, customer experience has always been important but there is an increase in focus towards authentic over materialistic
Is US Hotel Industry Heading Inadvertently to Over Commoditization?
Is the US Hotel industry in a race to the bottom? Is it at risk of over commoditization where price becomes the only differentiator?
The Key To Boosting Total Revenue In Your Hotel
Once you’ve identified each stage of the guest experience, you can move on to the next stage: defining potential revenue streams across many touchpoints
Ways to Drive Higher Revenue with Higher Guest Satisfaction
Hotels that provide exceptional guest experiences rank better in online reviews, get more referrals, and secure the business of more return customers
Hotel Guest Experience Needs To Improve To Maintain Rates
Prioritizing the guest experience comes at the cost of profitability but is necessary in order to maintain the rate growth seen over the past few years
Building Pet-Friendly Experience: 4 Things Learnt From Guest Reviews
With more hotels allowing pets, the competition for offering not just a human-focused, but also a pet-focused guest experience, is ramping up
Understand the Hotel Guest Journey to Enhance Experience
While there are various ways to learn about your guests’ likes and dislikes, here are the prominent hotel guest journey touchpoints:
What Do Guests Really Want in a Modern Hotel Stay? 5 Essentials
What are the essentials for an exemplary experience during a modern hotel stay to achieve the central mission of welcome and guests comfort?