
Rooms & Rates: The Less, The Better

In Revenue, offering too many options, meaning too many rooms and rates, is the equivalent, in Marketing, of “marketing to everyone to market to no one”.

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sign saying rooms available just like placing hotel inventory with a wholesaler

End of Last Room Availability for Profit Gain

Hotels fought for the rate parity abolition but on the inventory side, hotels are forced to level the playing field due to the Last & Entry Room Availability rules.

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sign saying rooms available just like placing hotel inventory with a wholesaler

Selling Your Last Available Hotel Room

Optimizing the distribution mix is important at all times for any hotel business wishing to operate in high revenue margins; but when a hotel is operating at near to maximum […]

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keys showing hotel occupancy which directly leads to revenue

How to Configure your Hotel Rooms and Room Types

Inventory, the number of rooms available to distribute or sell across channels, is the most important aspect of your hotel business. NB: This is an article from Hotelminder With an […]

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A Hotel Inventory Management Guide for Property Managers

Inventory management is an umbrella concept that involves understanding, overseeing and controlling your hotel’s room inventory. Here are some strategy basics:

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Yield Management for Hotels: What? Why? How?

While there are many similarities, revenue and yield management are two distinct concepts. Yield management is narrower in scope focusing on selling price and volume of sales

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Still Selling Rooms? Here’s How to Start Selling an Experience

One of the most frequently uttered hotel marketing catchphrases of recent years has been “selling experiences,” but while many marketers talk the talk, more than a few are a long […]

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City/Region Wide Supply and Demand Analysis

When you are preparing your budgets, an incredibly valuable tool is what I refer to as the “citywide supply and demand analysis.” I didn’t come up with this, however, I […]

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Increase ADR and Drive Revenue by Optimizing Room Type Differentials

One of the easiest ways for hotels to raise ADR and drive revenue without actually raising rates is by segmenting the property’s different rooms and accurately pricing them to encourage […]

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London skyline great advert for hoteliers and important for them to understand the revenue management trends to navigate the uk market

London Supply Boom: How to Maintain Your Market Position

With more than 11,000 new hotel rooms set to open by 2020, London’s hotel growth is predicted to outpace many destinations in Europe. NB: This is an article from Duetto […]

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