How Hotels Can Increase Share of Wallet with Incremental Offers
Every extra service offered at the right time, not only delivers higher guest satisfaction but extra revenue for your hotel and increased share of wallet
Hoteliers’ Top 10 Revenue Management Questions… ANSWERED
Many hoteliers struggle with the same revenue management questions, especially during times of significant market uncertainty, like we are experiencing
Capture Greater Demand Using Smart Bidding by Google Ads (Case Study)
By activating smart bidding strategies with a fine tuned target CPA, this clearly improved demand results whilst maintaining an adequate acquisition cost
How Can Hotels Perform Demand Forecasting the Right Way?
Demand forecasting in hotels is nowadays crucial. But it isn’t easy. Which is why most hotels struggle to understand and predict guests’ behaviour.
Strong Strategy Needs Strong Data: Managing Different Source Dataflows
By recording the booking data in the manner outlined, we have the constant temperature of the marketing activities from a Revenue Management perspective
Modern Hotel Financial Statement Features (Part 1)
We should produce enhanced financial statements with just a little more detail added that will greatly assist you in effectively managing your hotel
How to Maintain or Increase Your Direct Sales Quota Post Pandemic
Ensuring your direct sales maintain their quota is in your hands. If you wait for everything to return to normal, OTA’s will be the ones to exploit change.
9 Guest Upselling Insights for Summer 2021
Upselling – digital or front desk, is a great way to remind guests of what they might have missed during the booking process and showcasing services
From Demand Management To Revenue Generation
Revenue managers will need a new skill set, built on analytical thinking and cognitive flexibility, to maintain effectiveness of decision-making
Top Tips on Building a Smart and Profitable Pricing Strategy
Be aware of your competitors’ rates, but at the same time, believe in your pricing and have confidence in what you are selling