Did You Know Using Google Hotel Ads Can Save Your Hotel Money?
When someone clicks on your hotel ad and they’re redirected to your site, they’ve most likely already filtered making them a highly qualified lead

Is Your Hotel Barking up The Right Tree?
Now that we are in the midst of a pandemic and travel has pivoted towards more drive markets, the search for a pet friendly hotel is still just as high
Hotel Distribution 2021: What’s New?
Hotel Distribution, which is our our battlefield, will be affected by an increasing number of players who will put forth various actions to win the deal
So Who’s in Charge of Your OTA Strategy These Days?
As markets change and the tools evolve, hotel OTA strategy is going to rely on marketing and revenue management being totally and completely aligned
How to Achieve Your Best Hotel Performance: Tips for 2021
The good news is that the data we read is showing concrete desire for travel, and hotel bookings for the summer are arriving at an unexpected pace
Save Big On Commissions: 10 Ways To Reduce OTA Dependency
An OTA has it’s own set of benefits, but one cannot overlook challenges they present. Hotels must look for ways to avoid putting all eggs in one basket
The SCA Tsunami is Coming, How Will it Impact Hospitality Industry
From January 1st 2021 a new regulation on payments for online bookings that requires Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) will come into force
Travelers Are Checking In To Spontaneous Trips In 2021
Travelers hungry for hotels are ready to commit to spontaneity, with 29% claiming they’d drop it all and leave the same day if given the opportunity
Who’s Really Winning The Battle Between OTA and Direct Booking?
Saying upfront that OTA is better than direct booking or vice versa isn’t valid. So, let us look at the similarities and the differences between both.
8 Top Travel Trends Hotels Must Act on to Capture Demand in 2021
If optimism turns into reality, hotels could see the first signs of leisure guests to capture, followed later in the year 2022 by business travelers