OTAs Deliver Business. Can Hoteliers Do Better?
As business slowly wakens from hibernation, how should hoteliers address OTAs? According to some, it’s time to beat them at their own game
How Hotels Can Best Fight Against OTAs with Paid Search Marketing
A worthwhile strategy for many hotels was to decrease their upfront marketing costs while increasing their contribution of bookings from OTAs
What Booking.com Was Doing to Gain Market Share During Lockdown
We’re living in uncertain times never seen before in the sector, as well as a change in the paradigm of online shopping and Booking.com knows it
How Your Conversion Rate is Affected by Parity Performance
How much additional direct revenue could your hotel capture if you lowered the number of parity violations and proportionally raise conversion rates?
How Much Are You Paying in OTA Commission and How to Reduce it?
Before you embark on a mission to reduce your OTA spend, calculate what your OTA commissions are. Assess for the value, not just volume, of bookings
Working with OTAs: The Indirect Distribution Dilemma
Overall results show benefits of participating with OTAs substantially outweigh the costs, resulting in clear and substantial boost to hotels’ bottom line
How to Align Your Distribution and Marketing Strategies to Boost Revenue
Many hotels don’t include direct within their distribution cost calculations, but for most hotels their costs of direct are around 8%+ of distribution
Hoteliers’ Top 10 Revenue Management Questions… ANSWERED
Many hoteliers struggle with the same revenue management questions, especially during times of significant market uncertainty, like we are experiencing
Google Hotel Free Booking Links – OTA Freedom or Competition?
For the direct channel, Google’s Hotel Free Booking Link represents a new opportunity to compete with OTAs and drive more direct traffic
Three Quick Wins to Optimize Post-Pandemic Hotel Distribution
Central to a sustainable de-risked distribution strategy will be optimizing your distribution health – both in terms of rate integrity and visibility