
Why Your Hotel Needs a Daily “Pick-up” Report

Y1ou would be surprised how many hotels do not use their pick-up report properly and miss out on the financial opportunity a good strategy can represent

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The Key Attributes of a Proper Hotel Financial Statement

Your hotel financial statement needs to be in shape, and it must have the proper features that allow you the insight to make better operating decisions

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Recent Expense Rise Presents Threat to Hotel Profit

February was stronger all around for the global hotel industry, but escalating line item expenses could derail what’s already a fragile profit rebound

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How to Survive Inflation: A Roadmap to Pricing Success

Inflation’s impact is typically offset by raising prices and passing on costs. However, inflation dramatically increases a customer’s price sensitivity

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Balancing Daily Revenues and Settlements

You also need to be balancing the guest ledger and the city ledger to the property management system totals as well as to the general ledger

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How to Invest Your Hotel Digital Marketing Budget Wisely

If you have a small budget, it’s a waste to split that between SEO, SEM, PPC, Metasearch. Instead of spreading horizontally, go vertical in one or two areas

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Financial Leadership: Why You Need a Month End Schedule

Doing your month-end and having a final financial statement each month within one week is the benchmark for a team and system that works well

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Why Managing the Budget in Your Hotel is Like Playing Baseball

The budget is a mean and unruly nasty guest that comes every year and does not leave completed for weeks, even months. It is certainly not fun like baseball

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Embrace Remote Work And Increase Your Hotel Bottom Line

Remote work is already having an impact on the hotel industry, and this trend will continue. I recommend embracing it, it will increase your bottom line

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Top 10 List for Controlling Labor Costs

Managing labor costs is a never-ending battle in any hotel. No wonder it adds up to on average 50 percent of the total revenue in hotels around the world

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