Expert Insights
Crisis Recovery Shape, Strategy Considerations and Revenue Forecasting
We talk with Dan Skodol of Cendyn about post crisis recovery shapes, scenario startegy planning and the importance of revenue forecasting as we exit
How can Hotels Keep Lights on During the Current Crisis!
It appears we are on the cusp of another recession. It’s time to get resilient. Here are tips on what hotels can do to keep the lights on over the upcoming weeks and months
5 Expert Partner Initiatives to Support Hotel Sector
We wanted to use this article to highlight current intiatives from 5 of our Expert Partners. These are offers they are providing to help support the Hotel sector during this crisis
How CRM can Help Hotels with Recovery
Here are just a few ways that you can leverage CRM to ensure you are opening up the dialogue between you and your guests and giving them the confidence they need to travel again
Hotel Strategies to Target Drive Market Post Pandemic
It is a commonly held theory that the transient drive market will be the first segment to start to venture out. Here are some ideas your Hotel can do when the time is right in your market
6 Tactics to Learn From Hotels Open in Sweden During Covid-19
Contrasting sharply with the rest of Europe and beyond, Sweden has only imposed relatively lenient restrictions, meaning that most hotels and restaurants remain open despite the COVID-19 situation
Meetings Survival Pack and How Hotel Meetings Might Change Post Crisis
In this episode we talk with Niki Van den Broeck and Peter Bauer from Get Into MoRe. We discuss 2 topics, the first is how the hotel meeting sector might […]
Revenge Travelling After COVID-19 – What Will it Look Like?
Hotels and the Tourism industry are hoping for a wave of ‘revenge travelling’ – people going on extra trips or splurging after the Corona Crisis because they were deprived of that possibility for so long
No New Normal for Hotel Distribution: Time for Hoteliers to Decide
We talk with Pablo Delgardo of mirai. Pablo explains why there will be ‘No New Normal’ for hotel distribution and how it’s the perfect time to re-evaluate their strategy and direct booking approach
Hotel Recovery Strategy: Preparing for a Post Crisis World
Make organisation a priority during this downtime and audit your marketing assets. Salvage what you can from the current situation but push your team to create a robust comeback strategy plan