
Metasearch Advertising Just Got a Lot More Complicated

Search for your hotel in Google’s metasearch engine. Seeing more ads from OTAs or more from metasearch engines? Can you tell the difference?

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How Revenue Managers Can Become Indispensable

How Revenue Managers Can Become Indispensable

Dori puts forward his views on why it’s even more important in the current climate that Revenue Managers must make themselves indispensable

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man piling coins up shows how google pay per stay can add demand and revenue to hotels

Get Most out of Google Hotel Ads Without Wasting your Marketing Budget

Hotels who have not moved to Google Pay Per Stay (PPS) offering are missing huge opportunity to capture demand without risking their cash flow

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From Revenue Manager to Hotel Leader

Hotels will require commercial leaders with insights of revenue management, marketing and distribution whilst able to make informed decisions

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person looking at a path through questions marks contemplating how hard it is for hotel revenue management during a pandemic

New Report Gives Actionable Insights To Hotels For Navigating the Crisis

As hotels continue to grapple with the crisis impact, this comprehensive report explores steps hotels can take to navigate the ‘new normal’

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google hotel ads

Getting the Most Out of Google Hotel Ads: The Top 15 Check-List

Google Hotel Ads is powerful, but also complex; the devil is in the details. Many hotels are integrated, but just the basics so losing out

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burgers stacked with different fillings reflecting the new era of revenue management moving beyond room rates

Using an Attribute Based Selling Approach in Your Upsell Strategy

There are many ways to apply the forward thinking principles of attribute based selling through different channels for example, upselling

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Metasearch PPS or PPC – Which Is Right For Me?

Should hotels that have been advertising successfully on the more familiar Metasearch PPC model switch to risk free Metasearch PPS instead?

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telescope by the seafront increasing market visibility

Effective Tools to Increase Visibility When Using Booking

Almost all hotels in the world are live on the channel, and for sure visibility to potential customers is greater than that of most websites

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google logo with speedometer behind it

Which Google Services Are Right for My Hotel?

If you are one of the many hotels that has changed their policy to offer free cancellations, Book on Google provides a way to promote this

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