5 Features Not In an Airbnb & How To Take Advantage

With the increasing popularity of the vacation rental website Airbnb, it is more important than ever to leverage your hotel’s unique qualities to ensure guests keep coming back to stay.

Here are 5 features your hotel provides that guests won’t find at an Airbnb and tips to better market them to potential guests!

Feature #1: Points & Reward Programs

Travelers can reap extreme benefits from different points and reward loyalty programs offered by hotel brands.

Most do not take advantage of the benefits because they do not know about them or they do not realize it is free to join. From low rate guarantees, to free nights & complimentary WiFi, guests from all markets should take advantage of the reward programs offered by your hotel.

What are effective strategies to promote your hotel’s reward programs to guests?

Promote Rewards Programs Across Your Independent Website

Utilize the customizable functionalities of your independent website to grab the attention of guests by promoting rewards programs in highly active areas of your website (i.e. close to the booking widget).

Since your booking widget is one of the most clicked areas of your website, promoting your brand’s reward program here will help drive interest. Work with your Blue Magnet Interactive Account Manager to discuss placement options your independent website has.

Feature #2: Trustworthy Reviews & Accountable Accommodations

Since Airbnb became the hot trend in travel, everyone seems to be hopping on board for one reason or another.

One appeal of Airbnb is that it allows guests access to a locally curated world that provides a taste of how life would be to live like a local. The downside is that accommodation descriptions, which are written by the renter, can be misleading or a downright lie.

There are many instances of guests arriving to a location only to find out the property’s description and images have been completely falsified. There are multiple websites dedicated to providing guests a platform to share their negative Airbnb experiences, indicating a larger issue with Airbnb’s guest review process.

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