
the word marketing spelt out with scrabble tiles reflecting the importance to hotels of taking an holistic approach to marketing

Holistic Hospitality Marketing

A holistic marketing approach involves a 360-degree view of all hotel marketing operations to identify improvement areas and growth opportunities

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YouTube video thumbnail of conversation SSP Partner Marc Fleischer about hotel sustainability and how hard ti is to implement

We Talk About Hotel Sustainability But Real Change Is Not Easy

Marc is perfectly placed to talk about the focus on sustainability, it’s impact on hotel engineering teams and their value to implementing effective practices

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YouTube thumbnail image for discussion with Strategic Solution Partners about their Talent Trends Study and the potential future hotel workforce crisis

Talent Trends Study: A Future Hotel Workforce Crisis?

We touch on a number of topics from the study, looking at foreboding trends, challenges for education institutions and how the industry must adapt

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food on a platter reflecting the importance of innovative f&b solutions to attract diverse audiences and maximize profit

How to Innovate F&B Solutions to Attract Diverse Audiences and Maximize Profit

Hotels that demonstrate creativity inspire curiosity. When guests are excited to try your F&B experience, the sky’s the limit for profit potential

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image of an empty chair in a run down building reflecting the impact to hotels of open executive positions and loss of momentum and revenue

Cost to Hotels of Open Executive Positions and Loss of Momentum

Today we look at Hotel staffing and the impact an executive opening can have on a property – momentum is a key word here

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image of a chameleon which is well known for adapting to the surrounding environment in much the same way hotels must adapt and change to stay ahead of industry trends

Adapting to Change: How Can Hotels Stay Ahead of Industry Trends?

Hotels are so multifaceted that adopting meaningful change is hard to do “from the top” without considering how different departments are going to absorb it

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magnet and people shapes reflecting importance to hotels on focusing on staff retention not just hiring the next person

Retention, Retention, Retention: What Can Hotels Do To Improve It?

We draw on Deanne’s experience and explore the topic of staff retention and tactics to employ to help with the staffing challenges the hotel sector faces

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Hotel Sector Health Still Strong Will This Continue or Melt Away SSP Coffee Time Chat YouTube Thumbnail

Hotel Sector Health Still Strong: Will This Continue or Melt Away?

His track record speaks for itself and, keeping his fingers closely on the pulse, he is well placed to assess the health of the hotel sector

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Thumbnail image for discussion with strategic solutions partners asking has the sustainability topic reached marketing and revenue teams?

Has The Sustainability Topic Reached Marketing and Revenue Teams?

We ask if the focus around sustainability has made it way into the Marketing and Revenue teams. Does it form any part of the weekly strategic discussions

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4 glass jars filling up with coins reflecting how hotels should consider developing sustainability plans to help drive future revenue and profits

Sustainability in Hotels: Where Are We and Where to Next?

How do you balance the expectations of guests – and what they’re willing to pay – with effective sustainability practices that work towards real change?

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