From Demand Management To Revenue Generation
Revenue managers will need a new skill set, built on analytical thinking and cognitive flexibility, to maintain effectiveness of decision-making
Top Tips on Building a Smart and Profitable Pricing Strategy
Be aware of your competitors’ rates, but at the same time, believe in your pricing and have confidence in what you are selling

Key Factors to Calculate Demand Forecasting
When projecting a point in time in the future and trying to anticipate demand, it can seem like making decisions based simply on experience or intuition
How Often Should I Intervene When Using an RMS?
Once strategies are set, the system will execute these. You can return to the RMS either to apply new strategies or to check existing ones are delivering
Continuous Pricing without an RMS
These are some basic ways to get a feeling for Continuous Pricing concepts but only by embracing the four elements can you expect the best results
The Human Factor Behind Revenue Automation
We know the need for digital transformation, but it is the human factor that will guarantee the implementation success of Revenue Management technologies
How to Fix the Validation Problem When Choosing an RMS
A hotelier may decide to choose a ‘cheaper’ RMS system because they think they are saving money but they are overlooking the fact performance is everything
Is Automation in Revenue Management Really the Answer?
How revenue managers can leverage automation through sophisticated revenue management tools to boost business during the ramp-up
“Upselling” the Value of Investing in Revenue Management
Hotel owners whose priorities align with property-level management on value of investing in revenue management will thrive in boom years to come
Intelligent Price Automation: A Lesson From Satellite Navigation
Setting your price based on historical trends and knowledge of the market is like setting off on a journey using a map or old school GPS