
child with a rubix cube illustrating the various complexities hotels will face as they try adopt net revenue

Net Revenue: A Challenge to Embrace or Just Another Pipe Dream?

In this discussion we ask is Net Revenue easier to achieve than Total Revenue? And do we know what Net Revenue actually means?

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Maximizing Hotel Revenue: How Software Solutions Drive RevPAR

To enhance monthly RevPAR, hoteliers must adopt strategic approaches that leverage market insights, guest preferences, and current trends

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2024 Total Solar Eclipse: How Will Hotel Performance Compare to 2017?

In early-April 2024, a Total Solar Eclipse will once again pass over cities across North America and drive an influx of spectators in need of overnight accommodations. That means a […]

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Maximizing Total Profitability: Transitioning from RevPAR to RevPAG

In the ever-evolving landscape of the hospitality industry, transitioning from RevPAR to RevPAG is not just a trend; it’s a strategic imperative

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pie graph with a slice separated slightly reflecting the relevance of revpam as a hotel metric and it's value above and beyond revpar

What is RevPAM? Definition and Formula for Hotels

RevPAM is one of those metrics that are growing in prominence, changing the way hoteliers look at the revenue potential of their property

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Why Hotels Need to Shift from RevPAR to NetRevPAR

We examine risks of having a myopic focus on RevPAR and explore how a balanced approach can lead to long-term success and customer satisfaction

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How to Maximize Hotel TRevPAR

Now that we understand how TRevPAR works and why it’s an important metric, let’s explore ways to increase and enhance it!

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TrevPAR and It’s Impact on the Future of Hospitality

While everyone agrees that TrevPAR is an important metric for benchmarking against competing hotels, decisions aren’t made off of TrevPAR

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Hotel Market Shows Continued Resilience with Focus on Luxury

The hospitality sector, in particular, is sensitive to current challenges in the broader economy: rising interest rates, higher inflation and a tight labor market. NB: This is an article from […]

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Hotels Move Beyond RevPAR For Comprehensive Business Intelligence

While RevPAR remains a useful metric, it must be considered alongside others to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a hotel’s financial performance

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