
Practical Revenue Management Tactics To Implement During The Crisis

Another day another lockdown announced, another batch of new cancellations, another day and the revenue pace of most of the hotels in Europe is dropping

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Group Business Threat or Opportunity Room Type Displacement Model

Group Business, Threat or Opportunity: Room Type Displacement Model

The procedure is analogous to that of the simplified Displacement, that is, the value of the group must be added to what we have already On The Book (OTB) and we will obtain a first sales scenario

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How Hoteliers Can Get Over the Coronavirus

The impact has been swift for hotels as travel comes to a standstill, drying up occupancy and throwing a curveball to revenue and expenses, which will cast shadow over the bottom line

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Your Digital Marketing Checklist

Coronavirus – Your Revenue Strategy Checklist

There is perhaps some good news… The industry experts are predicting that when the revenue upturn comes back, it will come back quickly and we as an industry need to be prepared

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Meetings & Events Management in Times of COVID19

Meetings & Events Management in Times of COVID19

With COVID19 causing major events to be cancelled and large corporations banning employee travel it’s safe to say we’ve entered a period where “business as usual” simply won’t do

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New Consumer Research on the ROI of Guest Experience

While some challenges are completely out of a hotels control, we wanted to take a deeper dive into the transformative value derived from something every hotel has control over: guest experience

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How Hotels can Navigate a Demand Shock During a Crisis

A demand shock in the travel industry can come from many sources; a financial crisis, health crisis, or political crisis. And as the term suggests, they often can’t be predicted

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Group Business, Threat or Opportunity: Simple Group Displacement Model

Group Business, Threat or Opportunity: Simple Group Displacement Model

Each time we do a group quote we must evaluate the impact this has on the date of stay in the booking time, but also the selling of remaining capacity to the exclusion of other profitable segments

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How To Increase Hotel Revenue in Low Season

Hotel low season revenue has long been considered to simply be an unfortunate fact of the industry. It brings less demand and, therefore, lower revenues too

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Revenue Management Alone Cannot Avert a Crisis But it Can Help

Revenue Management Alone Cannot Avert a Crisis, But it Can Help

Revenue Management itself does not generate additional demand in the market, but it helps to manage existing demand in the best way and achieve the highest possible revenue share

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