Considerations When Setting Your Room Upgrade Pricing
So why would hoteliers set a narrow range? With no previous experience in yielded upgrade pricing, hoteliers tend to worry about discounting too much
Revenue Management In 2022: Thinking Beyond Price
Hotel commercial teams should be considering all revenue avenues: spa, restaurants, early check-in, late check-out; merchandising the total hotel experience
Key Rate Strategy Trends in Chain And Independent Hotels Across U.S.
Our data indicates a different rate strategy is a combination of factors from demand, how compset reacts, to how hotel rooms are being promoted and sold
Market Forecast Assumptions Needed To Anticipate Future Demand
Long term forecast remains largely unchanged, with US demand to bounce back in 2022, 2023 for the Middle East, 2024 in Europe, and 2025 in Asia Pacific
Dubai Welcomes the World and Hotels are Benefitting
Despite many logistical challenges, Dubai has managed to successfully kickstart this world-renowned exposition, and local hotels are thriving as a result
How To Get Balance Right Between Pushing Rate & Pushing Occupancy
If you are constantly looking for high occupancy and low ADR you are possibly ‘fishing in other waters’. You are effectively devaluing your hotel
How To Deal With Changing Trends in Hotel Demand.
The changing demand trends in the different markets, make it necessary to review our segmentation strategies and rate structure
Hoteliers Urged To Ramp Up Services in Tandem with Rate Increases
With average daily rate approaching or surpassing 2019 levels in many markets, guests have renewed expectations that services and amenities are back in full
Exploring the Virtues of Truly Automated Revenue Management
With historical data rendered unreliable, rules-based revenue management creates a labyrinth of issues to consider when adjusting pricing strategy
Hotel Profitability Improvement For Most Of The World
In measuring that recovery, 2019 data is the benchmark, hoteliers can gain key context for the amount of profitability they are recapturing