Revenue Management in a Changed Landscape
Revenue management is being considered in a new light as hoteliers grapple with heightened guest expectations, increased competition, and rapid changes
Is Revenue Strategy Just a Pipedream for Most Hotels?
Without changing the focus, the questions asked, and metrics measured, surely revenue strategy just exists as another recurring seminar topic
How Are You Managing Your Pricing Decisions?
How you set your pricing will impact every facet of your hotel business, from staffing and distribution to occupancy and, ultimately, profits
Why Are We Still Allowing The OTAs To Gain The Upper Hand?
OTAs are just a channel… nothing more. This is your hotel, your guests, you provide the service to make your customers feel welcome, but check your T&Cs
New Expert Partner: Howsmyrate
Kris Introduces us to Howsmyrate, their core solution, cost effectiveness and customization flexibility through the utilisation of Google Data Studio
How Revenue Leaders Plan To Capitalize On The Return Of Travel
Our guests’ motivations and needs have changed substantially over the last two years, and so must our revenue strategies and focus
Recent Expense Rise Presents Threat to Hotel Profit
February was stronger all around for the global hotel industry, but escalating line item expenses could derail what’s already a fragile profit rebound
How to Conduct a Competitive Analysis For Your Hotel
In the hotel industry, and other industries, we can use competitive analysis to gauge the market. But what is it, why should we do it and how to we do it
5 Tips to Drive Direct Bookings
Let’s focus on how to drive direct bookings, the challenges with winning them, strategies to get them, and ways to truly measure their value
Hoteliers, It’s Time to Prepare For The Summer Season
Try to have summer season campaigns set up no later than the w/c April 18th. Any later and you’ll miss the initial surge in domestic staycation searches