
Beyond Booking: Future of Hotel PMS in an Omnichannel World

The evolution of the hotel PMS into an omnichannel powerhouse is not just an inevitable technological advancement; it’s a strategic imperative for growth

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How to Improve Guest Review Scores with Your Hotel PMS?

When hotels meet the gap between guest expectations and the reality of the guest experience, their review will improve in quality and substance

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The Strategic Advantage of a Unified Guest Profile in Your PMS

A single guest profile is not just about collecting data; it’s about creating a holistic view of the guest that informs every interaction and decision

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What are 5 Must Have Features to Look for in a PMS?

Your PMS should improve guest experiences and provide a solid foundation for long-lasting relationships, leading to increased revenue and profitability

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Resurgence of PMS: Reclaiming Central Role in Hotel Technology

A modern PMS is not just a system for managing rooms and rates; it’s the nerve center of a hotel’s technological infrastructure

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How to Leverage PMS Data for Revenue Management Success

The first secret to unlocking the full potential of your PMS data is to identify your business drivers. Business drivers are the key factors that impact your hotel’s revenue and […]

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5 PMS Integrations to Drive More Revenue

A PMS isn’t only valuable for streamlining your operations. It also powers your entire tech stack to expand operations and drive efficiency and revenue

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Data Power! How to Use Your PMS to Drive Bookings

We’re not only talking about decreasing rates when occupancy is low; the secret to generating more bookings year-round lies in data contained in your PMS

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CRS Quickly Becoming Central Hub of Hotel Distribution Strategy

In today’s complex distribution landscape, more hotel companies are transitioning to a CRS-centric strategy to leverage the advantages

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Now is The Time For a Restart in Hotel Tech!

For hotels, there is a critical need to become more tech savvy if they are to make smart decisions and thrive in a difficult and turbulent environment

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