
Why the Way Hotels Forecast is Wrong and Outdated
Welcome to another of our Coffee Time chats. Today we talk about the way Hotels Forecast and why the current method is wrong and outdated

Get Predictive: Moving Beyond BI and Forward Looking Data
In this discussion we consider how data analysis can go beyond business intelligence and forward looking data and explore predictive algorithms through AI

A New Age of Hotel Management: Digital Collaboration Powered by Data
Strategic roles like finance, revenue management, marketing, and others require more data driven decision making than hands-on experience at the property
Four Steps to Becoming a Data Driven Hotel Organization
Business Intelligence is an organizational capability that has to be nurtured and grown. If you don’t create a culture of data analytics, no tools can help
Booking Pace: A Love Affair That Can Be Misleading
Measuring booking Pace is worthless in isolation. Pace Progression contextualizes it by measuring and monitoring the speed of change of future activity
Intelligent Hospitality (HotelIQ) “Who Are We?” – In Conversation with Apo Demirtas
We are joined by Apo Demirtas, Founder and CEO of Intelligent Hospitality who talks about his background and how Intelligent Hospitality and HotelIQ came to be.