Marketing Audit: Not Exciting But Crucial To Your Budget
The ideology around the digital marketing budget needs to evolve, rather than asking the question “how much am I going to spend” we should be asking this
How To Budget Plan Amidst Uncertainty
With historical forecasts irrelevant, it can be useful to do “budget sprints” or shorter budgeting windows better suited to respond to dynamic situations
How To Tailor Your Hotel Social Media Presence to Entice The Right Demographic
Hotel brands that properly take advantage of social media not only reap the rewards now, but position themselves to be the most successful in the future
Expedia Travel Ads vs Koddi: Hotel Marketing Platform Comparison
This has led to a lot of hotel owners confusion. We hear, “Should I run my ads directly through Expedia Travel Ads website or go through Koddi?”
To Sell or Not Sell? Now That Is A Question!
We are posing the question to sell or not to sell, after the last 18 months why are we even asking that question, surely we just take the business?
APAC Hotel Direct Channel Trends In 2021
The analysis looks at Q2 vs Q1 in 2021 and covers main hotel direct booking metrics i.e. website traffic, conversion rates, disparities, and visitor profile
Get Predictive: Moving Beyond BI and Forward Looking Data
In this discussion we consider how data analysis can go beyond business intelligence and forward looking data and explore predictive algorithms through AI
What Next For Email Marketing Following Apple’s Privacy Update?
It’s clear that with other privacy changes on the horizon, this is a growing trend and something marketers need to prioritize for their email campaigns
Travel Stalled: Greece and Turkey Lose Market Due to Seasonality
The increase in demand during the summer season did boost European tourism; but it was cancelled out by the Delta variant, leaving European travel stagnant
Tripadvisor Plus New Reward Model, Everything You Need to Know
Tripadvisor is the first big, relevant and global player in the online travel industry that dares to charge the user as its main revenue stream