
It’s ‘No Dough’ for Third-Party Cookies, According to Google
Hotel marketers should continue preparing for a future where privacy is increasingly prioritized and build a strategy not reliant on third-party cookies
Google Delays Aside, Marketers Can’t Pause Post-Cookie Planning
Google’s latest cookie delay doesn’t mean marketers should stop what they are doing to prepare. Marketers must continue to audit and test current setups
Cookie Deprecation in 2024: What Marketers Need to Know
Google Chrome’s gradual restriction of third-party cookie drives marketers to adapt their strategies. Here’s what you can do to navigate these changes
Google’s Cookie Consent Mode V2
You may have heard that from March 6th 2024, Google Cookie Consent Mode v2 will be mandatory for all websites that use Google services
Advertising in a World Without Cookies
What is the difference between first-party data and cookies and third-party data and cookies? Let’s take a deeper look into the nuances
Prepare Your Hotel Digital Marketing Strategy for Post-Cookie World
As Google and other providers look to phase out the cookie, the use of first-party data, or data that is owned by the brand itself, will be crucial
Where Did All The Cookies Go?
You should start thinking about how you might have to adapt in the next year and half and prepare yourself for the fact that cookies will ultimately end
A Tactical Approach To A Cookieless Campaign
Hotel marketers can activate three datasets across channels to reach travelers. Here’s our tactical approach for capturing cookieless direct bookings
How to Rethink Marketing Strategies with First-Party Data in Mind
First-party data is key to understand how customers are interacting. It’s also crucial to decide which touchpoints should be tracked during the user journey
The Third-Party Cookie Is Crumbling – Now What?
Rather than marketing to the cookie, travel and hotel brands can use the opportunity to use people-based marketing across devices