An Automated World: Artificial Intelligence in the Hotel Industry
Hoteliers must keep on top of Artificial Intelligence trends and ensure they only implement those that will enhance the guest experience.

Fornova “Who Are We” – Welcoming our Latest Expert Partner
We are delighted to welcome Fornova as an Expert Partner of Revenue Hub. In this “Who Are We” video we are joined by Dori Stein – CEO
State of AI in Hospitality, Business Travel and OTAs
In the hospitality industry, AI is expected to cause a massive paradigm shift with a promise to enhance hotel reputation, drive revenue and elevate the customer experience to the next level
How Hotels Can Survive a Downturn with AI Upselling Technology
Upselling has even more value in a downturn when there are empty rooms or when guests are booking at the best available rate and standard room types.
What is GX? And How Can it Help Your Hotel?
You’ve heard it before: “Your brand isn’t what you say it is. It’s what they say it is”. In today’s digital age, we know that countless different touchpoints contribute to a guest’s overall opinion […]
How Hospitality Providers are Driving up Revenue with the Help of Chatbots
It seems that industry professionals have embraced the change hotel chatbots bring to the table and are eagerly anticipating to see the evolution of AI and how it will reshape hospitality and travel.
Can AI Replace Human Intelligence In Hotel Revenue Management?
While a hotel can rely on a tool to take care of certain aspects of their revenue management strategy, it is equally essential hoteliers are aware tools cannot completely substitute human intelligence.
AI and the Revenue Impact on the Guest Life Cycle
In 2013, Amazon filed a patent for what the company calls “anticipatory shipping.” NB: This is an article from Nor1 The idea is that Amazon uses predictive analytics to know […]
What Happened to Brand Loyalty? Technology Will Bring it Back
To reach and engage customers in 2019, companies need to deeply understand what today’s consumers value most to appeal to their personal needs. This is especially true in travel – […]
The AI Opportunity in Revenue Management
The Status Quo! Nothing to do with aging Rock bands, but more around not putting our heads up above the parapet. Changing things that ‘work’ invokes visions of risk and […]