Why Hotels Should be Using a Rolling Forecast
We use the rolling forecast to keep us as close to budgeted year-end GOP as possible. When behind we double down on expense management and revenue ideas
Dynamic Pricing: Maximizing Revenue in the Hotel Industry
If you think the benefits of dynamic pricing outweigh the challenges, here are tips to help you apply this strategy and enhance your competitive advantage
Mastering Hotel Positioning: How to Attract High Paying Guests
In the hotel industry, positioning is crucial because it directly influences the types of guests you attract and how much they are willing to pay
The Evolution of Unified Commercial Strategy in Hotels
Many of the old silos still exist, and the dream of a fully integrated unified commercial strategy remains just that – a dream. But the journey is not over
Revenue in Vacation Hotels: Power of RMS with Tour Operators
Strategic approach to TT.OO. management can be the difference between a hotel that is content with its revenue or one that thrives in a competitive sector
Boost Hotel Revenue: 3 Essential Yield Management Pricing Tactics
Learn how to apply three key yield management tactics to optimize your hotel’s pricing strategy. Increase your revenue and occupancy with data-driven insights.
Total Revenue Management and Role in Hotel Profitability Strategy
In the past, we looked at optimal occupancy to help maximize profits. Now, we have multiple available data sets that enhance revenue management strategies
Hotel Pricing Strategies: Essential Tactics for Success
Some of the most effective pricing strategies can be grouped into two categories: dynamic pricing and promotional techniques
Price Skimming: Are Hotels Leaving Money on the Table?
Price skimming involves setting a high initial price with the understanding it may not attract maximum number of guests but generates significant revenue
Symbiotic Relationship of Revenue Management and Metasearch
The symbiotic relationship between revenue management and metasearch is where the magic happens. Here’s how they complement each other