
How Can Restaurants & Bars Survive This Pandemic?

We are in unprecedented times with the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the travel and hospitality sector. Here we share some advice we are giving to our restaurant clients in turbulent times

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3 Undistributed Expense Trends to Watch

The end goal for both managers and owners is to optimize profitability. Thus, undistributed expenses should be measured, tracked and benchmarked, just as diligently as top-line metrics

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Operating Revenue, Expenses and Human Capital in Uncertain Times

Chances are that most properties impacted by Coronavirus will have already put measures in place to curb costs. Here are some other Revenue Strategies to consider

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5 Things to Include in Your Hotel Performance Strategy

As you map out your hotel performance strategy, remember that there’s more to financial capital than what you’re bringing in with a traditional hotel revenue strategy

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Great Expectations – What a CFO Wants in a Forecast

A rock-solid forecast will make your finance leader happy, a good ally to have in the age of data. Not to mention it’s always wise to have the individual responsible for payroll on your side.

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The Ultimate Hotel P&L: Start to Measure Customer Profitability

I know a lot of people have some confusion and a slight frustration when it comes to the financial information that’s available in a hotel and the way it’s presented. NB: […]

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5 Tips for a Successful Budget Season

As hoteliers across the land prepare are in the midst of another budget planning season, consider these five tips to help ease the process, and guide you into a successful 2020 season.

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Your Digital Marketing Checklist

10 Items to Include in Your Hotel Marketing Budget

If you do the marketing budget when you build the marketing plan, you can determine segments with opportunity and create a plan broken down by month that includes events, trends and seasonality.

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How to Avoid Lost Hotel Revenue After a Disaster

From a hotel owner perspective, coming up with fact-based hotel projections for lost revenue in the event of a disaster will ensure smooth discussions with your insurer and moving on with rebuilding

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Why You Need to Take a Holistic Approach to Hotel Budget

What Hotel Owners Want at Your Revenue Budget Presentation

The epilogue of the perfect revenue budget plan after a year of daily work and experience ends with a but and a senseless stretch in the revenue target that you know already will be impossible to reach

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