5 Tips to Make Most Out of Today’s Hotel Holiday Season
These are just a few tips and tricks to get the ball rolling for your hotel in the holiday season and ensure that your initiatives have maximum outreach
Top 5 Things You Need to Know Now in Hotel Digital Marketing: November
With Cyber Monday around the corner, it’s key to watch the evolving digital landscape to elevate your digital strategy and maximize revenue
Maintaining Your Digital Presence During Second Lockdown
Digital channels are one of the only ways your wider audience can stay connected to your brand. It could be incredibly costly to let that slip off the radar
How to Reduce Costs And Increase Hotel Incremental Revenue
By identifying where you can reduce acquisition costs and implementing new direct booking strategies, you can add hotel incremental revenue.
Protect Profitability With Your Digital Marketing Spend
The headwinds remain strong across hospitality. Yet, momentum is building – especially when it comes to digital marketing
New Rules of Engagement: Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Seasonal Offers
This is a year like no other and learnings from previous seasonal campaigns may no longer apply. These are new rules of seasonal marketing
7 Ways to Use Storytelling for Brilliant Hotel Marketing
Storytelling can draw out an emotional response, as the human brain is “programmed” to visualize the information a story can give
How Revenue Managers Can Become Indispensable
Dori puts forward his views on why it’s even more important in the current climate that Revenue Managers must make themselves indispensable
How to Prepare a Successful 2021 Hotel Digital Strategy & Marketing Budget
Key is to know where the industry is heading and keep forecasted trends top of mind when considering how to allocate digital marketing dollars
Get Most out of Google Hotel Ads Without Wasting your Marketing Budget
Hotels who have not moved to Google Pay Per Stay (PPS) offering are missing huge opportunity to capture demand without risking their cash flow