Can Booking Engine Data Boost Direct Bookings ?
Your booking engine has a lot more going on under the hood than you might imagine. Specifically, it has an almost overwhelming amount of data. That data can be used to […]
Mobile is #1 for travel research and booking
Just two weeks ago, Memorial Day kicked off the 2016 summer season, bringing with it the promise of sunshine, barbecues, outdoor activities and, of course, some much-needed vacation time. As […]
How personalisation is affecting business travel
Is personalisation a threat to managed travel, or a benefit that’s being delivered too slowly? Both, it seems… The potential impact of personalisation and the use of data on the […]
Independent Hotels Compete for Bookings Against OTAs
Competition between Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) and hotels and resorts continues to heat up. Not only are direct bookings more profitable for hotels as they can avoid paying steep commissions, […]
How Ryanair developed multi-platform digital experiences
One of the contradictions of the digital world is that, historically, the process of researching and booking a holiday has been one of the most stressful things you can do […]
Why Can’t We Still Book Specific Rooms in a Hotel?
Have you ever wondered why it is you can’t, in most cases, book the exact hotel room you want? You know, the room that’s not near the elevator, but close […]
5 Reasons Why a Travel Booking is Abandoned
The travel industry spends billions of dollars each year on digital marketing, yet 81% of online travel bookings are abandoned, according to a study by SalesCycle. In 2014, Boxever estimated […]
How Social Media Can Increase Hotel’s Direct Bookings
Thanks to efforts of global influencers like Elon Musk, Facebook & Google internet access has accelerated faster than ever before with *over 3 billion people gaining online access as of 2015. […]
Expedia’s first bot is for booking hotels
Expedia today unveiled a rather smart, rather simple little bot for Facebook Messenger. The bot is designed to do one thing and do it well: It helps travelers book hotels. What’s […]
Trends in Hotel Attrition and Cancellation Revenue
Historically, if a guest notified a hotel that he would not be checking in at 6 p.m. on the day of arrival, that was usually sufficient to waive any […]