
Omicron Emergence a Yardstick for the Hotel Industry

The drop in hotel revenue, despite a still lower cost base, led to GOPPAR of $11, which was 64% lower than November 2020 and 75% lower than in November 2019

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Omicron Threatens Hotel Performance Recovery

Indications are future hotel bookings, meetings and other hotel related activity will be impacted by the presumed expectation of future travel impediments

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RevPAM: What is it And Why it Matters to Revenue Management Strategies?

RevPAM is one of those metrics that are growing in prominence, changing the way hoteliers look at the earning potential of their property

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A Systematic Approach to Monetising New Hotel Offerings

As conversations around monetising new hotel offerings increase, everyone needs to be speaking the same language and guided by a consistent yardstick

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Global Hotel Demand Uptick Tussles with Competing Costs

The hotel industry is happy to welcome guests back, but a continued revenue shortfall, expense creep and difficult labor market, are impacting bottom line

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Why the Future Must Include a GOPPAR Index

What would things look like if a number three or four REVPAR index brand delivered a number one or two GOPPAR performance?

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A Year Later, the Hotel Industry Recalibrates, Reassesses

Just over a year after the pandemic, the global hotel industry is slowly stirring from hibernation and seeing at least modest gains in traveler demand

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Though Travel is Low Some Regions Show Signs of Performance Positivity

Though global travel remains stunted, some regions are showing signs of sustained performance positivity. Include AsiaPac and the Middle East on that list

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Muted Occupancy and Rate Thwarted European Hotel RevPAR Growth

Muted occupancy and rate thwarted RevPAR growth in the month, down 85% YOY to €15.50. For the year, RevPAR was recorded at €32.84, down 72.7% YOY

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How a Total Revenue Approach Can Benefit Your Hotel

By measuring and monitoring total revenue per available room, hoteliers have the ability to take a magnifying glass to all revenue sources

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