
american football game play reflecting the corporate rate playbook and the secrets to winning the corporate rate game

Secrets to Winning the Corporate Contract Rate Game

We will guide you through the steps to mastering corporate rate shopping, staying competitive, and avoiding common mistakes along the way

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Why it’s Time to Rethink Refundable Hotel Rates

Offering refundable rates as standard is not normal. At least, it shouldn’t be. Flexible rates have value, but they shouldn’t be the default

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algorithms and view through a key hole reflecting the evolution of hotel demand forecasting as it unlocks predictive power to move away from pure guesswork

The Evolution of Hotel Demand Forecasting

Traditional forecasting models no longer cut it. Relying on historical data hinders performance. Demand is constantly influenced by new factors

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two faces one smiling and one menacing reflecting the love hate relationship between hotels and otas and why this needs to change

Was Black Friday Your Friend or Foe?

The week of Black Friday is one of the lowest in terms of prices due to applied discounts, although price drop is smaller than booking volume increase

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Discount Hotel Rates: Strategies for Revenue Management

Successful discount hotel rates management requires a delicate balance between attracting price-sensitive guests and maintaining profitable operations

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stack of coins and arrows pointing up reflecting the importance of hotel rate plans to win bookings and influence travelers

Hotel Rate Plans: How to Win Bookings and Influence Travelers

In addition to aligning offers with guest behavior and preferences, some rate plans are designed to reward desired traveler behavior

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green apple and red apple being compared in the same way hotels compare themselves to others but this could lead to comparisonitis

Beat “Comparisonitis” as a Revenue Leader

We love talking about how we’re different, but when it comes to setting prices, many revenue teams still fall into a trap I call Comparisonitis

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hotel corridor illustrating the need for revenue and commercial leaders to walk the floor and really understand their rooms i.e. their product offering which affects adr

How To Increase Your ADR – Part 3 (Take A Walk)

Whilst ADR gains can be made by channel shift or dynamic pricing strategies, you can also make an immediate impact by simply reviewing your product offering

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person with glasses and a hat looking a bit like a spy illustrating a rate wars discussion when hotels engage in price espionage

Rate Wars: When Hotels Engage in ‘Price Espionage’

By embracing both new school tactics and old school wisdom, hoteliers can stay ahead in this ever-competitive landscape and win the rate wars

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The Travel Rate Debate: Selecting Dynamic vs. Fixed Hotel Pricing

With varying approaches to dynamic pricing in the marketplace, buyers cannot always be certain that dynamic rates outperform static rates

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