Hotels Are You Ready? Only 2 Weeks Until Booking Shuts RateIntelligence
With just two weeks to go until Booking shuts down RateIntelligence forever, hoteliers are in need of a reliable alternative
Why So Little Testing of Revenue Management Strategies in Hotels?
In today’s video we discuss with our 3 guests why there is so little testing of revenue management strategies in the hospitality industry
Global Hotel Profit Improves in Q3, But Still Languishing
Cost side is where hotels saw their profit turn south. Minimal revenue was eaten up by expenses that remained constant enough to make a dent
5 Tips to Create a Successful Black Friday Campaign for Your Hotel
In this article, you’ll learn to easily create a successful Black Friday campaign based on the knowledge our team has gained over the years
8 Hotel Pricing Strategies That Will Fill Rooms & Generate Profits
Consider every element, try and test a variety of hotel pricing strategies. See what works best and remember to look back on how you’ve done
U.S. Hotel Profit Stuck in Neutral; Rest of World Switches Gears
Dwindling profit appears to be a function of unrelenting expenses, as revenue, however small, continues to show month-to-month improvement
Using an Attribute Based Selling Approach in Your Upsell Strategy
There are many ways to apply the forward thinking principles of attribute based selling through different channels for example, upselling
Your Hotel Revise and Prepare Level 5 Checklist
Here is a hotel Level 5 checklist to help you revise and prepare core items including booking engine, voucher strategy and website content
5 Promotional Offers Your Hotel Should Be Using
We dig into different promotional ideas your hotel, resort, or lodge can use to increase bookings and look about why they are important
Budgeting Season is Here: Oy Vey! But It Doesn’t Have To Be
Zero-based budgeting is a way to deal with instability. It’s a method of budgeting in which all expenses must be justified on each new period