The Impact of Online Reputation on Hotel Revenue
While luxury hotels show promising trends in their online reputation, there is a clear indication guests are sensitive to the price of additional services
The Next Paradigm Shift in Hospitality Revenue Management
Just because an RM system bears an AI moniker in its marketing doesn’t suddenly turn it into a revenue management silver bullet
Navigating Seasonal Dynamics: How an RMS Empowers Seasonal Hotels
Here is how RMS can specifically cater to these challenges, underscoring their importance in the strategic management of seasonal hotels
Maximizing Total Profitability: Transitioning from RevPAR to RevPAG
In the ever-evolving landscape of the hospitality industry, transitioning from RevPAR to RevPAG is not just a trend; it’s a strategic imperative
Discounting Isn’t Always a Bad Strategy, But You Might be Doing it Wrong
Discounting has a bad rep, but it’s time to set the record straight. When used strategically, it can boost revenue, attract new guests and enhance loyalty
Price Oscillation: Unraveling the Pendulum Effect on Hotel Rates
Average daily rate per room values has experienced greater growth in the last 3 years, but will price continue to grow rapidly? Will there be a correction?
The Art of Resort Hotel Revenue Management: Specifics and Strategies
While the basic principles of revenue management apply to all types of hotels, resort hotels have important strategic considerations
How to Properly Record Hotel Packages & Revenue Recognition
A hotel packages is a combination of a room and at least one other component, like a bed and breakfast package
Unveiling the Future: Hotel and Travel Trends in 2024
As we step into 2024, several key trends are set to redefine the hotel landscape. Let’s explore top trends that will shape the industry in the coming year
Traditional Revenue Management is Outdated, Reinvent Approach
The demise of traditional revenue management is a reality we can’t ignore. To thrive in today’s competitive industry, you must adapt or face consequences