Hidden in Fine Print of Expedia “Revive and Relief” Recovery Program
Expedia have found a clever way of guaranteeing consumers lowest rates, without having to deal with the controversial OTA rate parity clauses

Rate Integrity: A Key Way to Increase Direct Bookings
Fixing revenue leakage is not just maintaining parity. The driving force is brand integrity and ability to change rates in-sync with market dynamics. Rate integrity aims to balance consistency and flexibility
Undercut on Black Friday? How to Keep Parity and Make Most of January Sales
With January sales around the corner, here are tips to help keep track of your parity and catch unexpected rate undercutting as soon as possilbe. Make sure it’s your direct revenue, not the OTAs’
3 Ways to Tackle Rate Disparity with Wholesalers
Rogue rates or violations of parity are hard to track, especially in wholesaler relationships. This is because many wholesalers are selling contracted rates to uncontracted OTAs, resulting in revenue loss. […]
Shame On You, Unruly OTAs!
There was a time when transparency and trust were the pillar of a successful partnership. OTAs were, in the last decade, valuable partners for hotels and responsible for a more efficient distribution.
The Decline of Rate Parity Clauses and What This Means for Hotels
The rate parity spotlight turned to the UK earlier this year, with an agreement between the government and OTAs to cease certain practices around how they merchandise and price hotel […]
3 Steps to Navigating the Challenge of Hotel Rate Parity
As a distribution manager, does rate parity fall into your “very hard to deal with” basket? If it does, you’re not alone. NB: This is an article from OTA Insight […]
What Hoteliers Need to Know About Rate Parity
While technology has come a long way to help hoteliers manage today’s dynamic distribution landscape, rate parity remains a constant battle for revenue and distribution managers. NB: This is an […]