3 Marketing Strategies Hotels Can Use to Personalize The Guest Experience
The hospitality industry is overcrowded with options such as comparison websites and online research for a guest to find the best deals to suit their needs in seconds. Tailoring a […]
How Do You Inspire Your Guests to Spend More?
Data is transforming the hospitality sector. Forward-thinking hoteliers are making the most of historic guest interactions along with real-time and future data sets. NB: This is an article from Rainmaker […]
Voice Search: Next Big Thing in Hotel Distribution and Marketing
As one of the most exciting trends in hotel marketing and distribution strategy, voice search has galvanized the hospitality industry, both in preparation for evolving consumer behaviors and technology advancements. […]
6 Ways to Optimise Your Hotel Website for Voice Search
Whether you use Siri, Cortana or Google voice search, it’s easy to see why speech recognition technology is starting to gain momentum. This type of search activity allows users to […]
Navigating Hotel Industry Changes With A New Mobile PMS
While the traditional, legacy PMS was confined to a dedicated desktop behind the front desk, mobile and cloud-based PMS frees that technology (and your staff) from those previous limitations. NB: […]
The Mobile Booking Trends of Luxury Hotels
Global smartphone usage topped 2.3bn in 2017. Based on an estimated world population of 7.6bn, that’s over 1 in 3 people who now own one. Usage figures continue to grow […]
Google AMP: Why Hoteliers Should Care, and How to Implement It
Introduced in 2016 as Google’s response to other mobile publishing platforms like Apple News and Facebook Instant Articles, Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages Project (AMP) is an open-source initiative enabling the […]
Mobile Cloud PMS: Perfect For Independents, Groups & Brands
The traditional hotel PMS systems that have been the go-to choice for independents and multi-properties in the past are quickly being overshadowed by more modern cloud-based PMS systems. Legacy systems […]
Capitalize on Full Travel Planning Journey to Increase Direct Bookings
Travel planning. We all know from experience that a lot goes into planning the perfect vacation, and with so many devices and planning resources, the journey is complex. According to […]
Why your mobile traffic is not turning into bookings
Visits to hotel websites from smartphones (tablets not included) in many cases now represent more than 50% of the total amount. However, bookings made on these devices, although growing strongly, […]