New feature on Google Hotel Ads: Occupancy filters
One of the greatest deficiencies that the Google price comparison site had was the absence of the occupancy filter in searches. NB: This is an article from Mirai You could […]
How TripAdvisor listing and reviews help grow your hotel business?
When was the last time you searched a hotel and it didn’t appear on TripAdvisor review website? Probably, 1 out of 10 hotels. (Because other 9 hotels are listed on […]
New Auction Experience Found on Trivago
Our metasearch partners have been devoting an increasing amount of effort to improving and testing new user experiences. NB: This is an article from Koddi Lately, we noticed a new […]
When should hoteliers take part in new OTA or metasearch schemes?
Hoteliers have been reacting to the official rollout of TripAdvisor’s Sponsored Placements, with some gladly welcoming the new slots – and with others, like one hotelier we spoke to, accusing […]
Metasearch power plays: What hoteliers need to stay competitive
Most hoteliers understand how metasearch advertising influences the deals visible to consumers. Bid too low and your listing won’t show. Bid too high, and your customer acquisition cost is out […]
Why OTAs provide no value for you on metasearch engines
We have always defended the notion that the value OTAs have is to provide visibility to hotels and help them generate new sales, sales that otherwise would be impossible to […]
Are TripAdvisor’s Sponsored Placements a good idea?
TripAdvisor has announced its official launch of Sponsored Placements, a new form of advertising on the site which will allow paying hotels to appear at the top of a user’s […]
Hotels Drive High-Impact Direct Bookings with Metasearch
Last year we saw the direct booking journey make the move to metasearch. For travelers, it meant a more seamless booking experience. But what did it mean for hotels? […]
Bing gearing up for Hotel Ads general release
As metasearch marketers say goodbye to 2017 and prepare for 2018, one question on everyone’s mind is, “What is new in metasearch for 2018?” One answer to that question is […]
How to Leverage User Generated Content for Metasearch
The world of digital marketing is always evolving as travel brands try to keep up with consumer needs and the growing demand for transparency and authenticity. One strategy that’s growing […]