juyo analytics

person looking at graphs reflecting the importance of understanding the difference between top level kpis and deep dive analysis

The Importance of Top-Level KPIs vs Deep Dive Analysis

While top-level KPIs set a clear focus and direction, deep-dive analytics provide the necessary insights for tactical execution

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tree line room reflecting the rise of experiential hospitality and the challenge to drive revenue and profit with high occupancy

Experiential Hospitality and the Levers to Drive Revenue and Profit

Experiential hotels typically run occupancies over 90%. So there is little optimization from volume. Where do we find levers to drive Revenue and Profit?

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sign post saying same old way or something new reflecting the need for hotels to flip the script and understand how to maximize hotel revenue

From Inventory to Customer, The Evolution of Hotel Commercial Strategy

By assimilating these dimensions, a robust multidimensional data model emerges, empowering Revenue Managers and Commercial Strategists

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is revenue strategy just a pipedream for most hotels video thumbnail

Is Revenue Strategy Just a Pipedream for Most Hotels?

Without changing the focus, the questions asked, and metrics measured, surely revenue strategy just exists as another recurring seminar topic

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pillars reflecting different aspects in hotel operations including sales marketing revenue data and analytics

Our Philosophy for Hotel Analytics in 3 Pillars

Different Stakeholders have different needs. You can unleash your creativity by putting detailed analytics together but every user needs their own view

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Atomize Juyo Partnership Announcement image

Atomize RMS and Juyo Analytics Join Forces to Empower Commercial Teams

By joining forces, Atomize and Juyo provide hotels with a solution that covers proactive, tactical price automation to reactive strategic data intelligence

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video thumbnail image of conversation with beonprice and juyo analytics about exciting new partnership

Beonprice and Juyo Analytics Announce an Exciting New Partnership

The two tech companies have formed a partnership to combine the strategic vision of Juyo with the operational vision of Beonprice in one integrated solution

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thumbnail of video interview about hotel mindset is it more nokia or apple

The Hotel Mindset: Is It More Like Nokia or Apple?

Has the hotel sector used the pandemic to develop a more customer centric approach to it’s product, pricing and promotions or will it revert back to type

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thumbnail for video on forward looking data in the hotel industry

Forward Looking Data: Lighting the Way Ahead or Just a Shiny Distraction?

In this video we ask what is Forward Looking Data and how far forward are we looking? Is it the Holy Grail or a just shiny new distraction?

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