Scant Business at Europe’s Hotels Sends Profit to Historical Low
Hotels in Europe did a good job at containing the impact of vanishing revenue on profit, achieving increase in flex percentage on a month-over-month basis
Hotel Casinos: Get Ready for Re-Opening
Several hotel casinos across the states in the US are re-opening this week, offering a glimpse of how the industry will recover amid social distancing
U.S. Hotel Performance – Unsurprisingly – Hits New Lows in April
The adage “March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers” appropriately captures current U.S. hotel performance – April was a month of grim data
Near Future of Hotel Industry: What Factors can Help Predict Hotel Performances
What might the hotel industry expect over the coming months? There is enough data available that reveal hotel trends based on economic relationships
3 Reasons to Turn to Benchmarking in the COVID-19 Era
One way to tackle the new normal is operational benchmarking, a process that allows for analyzing, interpreting and operationalizing relevant market data
When Will Bookings Outpace Cancellations Again?
Hotel operators will monitor ratio of bookings to cancellations but should also keep an eye on their own and competitors’ rates and evolving patterns
Four W’s of Data Analysis for Hotel Recovery Marketing Strategy
We’ll walk you through simple ways to use data to inform your hotel recovery strategy, starting with four W’s of data analysis: who, where, why, and when
COVID-19: Updated Insights on Travel Impact, The Middle East and Africa
Luxury hotels show signs of domestic market recovery. As flights resume, this will likely be reflected with regional, and eventually international travel
COVID-19: Updated Insights on Travel Impact, Europe
Currently we only see a slight intent uptick in inbound travel to Italy, but as this data was from last week we expect a larger uptick in the coming weeks
Adopting a Data First Approach to Your Marketing
While we believe the following data points and campaign ideas could be useful to a range of hotels, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to targeting