
hotel corridor illustrating the need for revenue and commercial leaders to walk the floor and really understand their rooms i.e. their product offering which affects adr

How To Increase Your ADR – Part 3 (Take A Walk)

Whilst ADR gains can be made by channel shift or dynamic pricing strategies, you can also make an immediate impact by simply reviewing your product offering

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letters spelling out the word pricing highlighting the current strategy of dynamic pricing for hotels

How Can I Increase My ADR – Part Two (Dynamic Pricing)

A dynamic pricing strategy seems simple as a first pass but as with all things, once you dig deeper, it can have repercussions for all parts of your hotel

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coins being stacked up to reflect how hotels can still increase their adr with the right focus

How Can I Increase My ADR?

With a 25+ year career in revenue, I cannot begin to count the number of times that I have been asked that very question. NB: This is an article from […]

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Predictions For Hotel Occupancy And ADR Hold Steady

Hotel expectations for different demand segments are mixed. Predictions for business transient demand and group demand growth have trended steadily downward

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atomize 5 case studies demonstrating elevated revenue performance and increased adr

Elevated Revenue Performance and Increased ADR: 5 Case Studies

5 case studies which can help hoteliers looking to optimize revenue, develop sophisticated pricing strategies and refine revenue management strategies

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coins being added to a glass jar with the shoot of a plant growing from the top reflecting how cost based pricing ensures if hotels sell their rooms then that are guaranteed to make a profit

Grow Hotel Profits with These Winning Revenue Management Practices

Revenue management is a complex discipline. When practiced fully, it reduces bottom-line drainers such as spillage, spoilage, or overbooking

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2024 Total Solar Eclipse: How Will Hotel Performance Compare to 2017?

In early-April 2024, a Total Solar Eclipse will once again pass over cities across North America and drive an influx of spectators in need of overnight accommodations. That means a […]

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stack of coins and arrows pointing up reflecting the importance of hotel rate plans to win bookings and influence travelers

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Price Your Rooms High

Shedding the fear of high ADR requires a mindset shift. Instead of worrying about driving guests away, focus on the tangible benefits of higher room price

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letters spelling out the word pricing highlighting the current strategy of dynamic pricing for hotels

Price Oscillation: Unraveling the Pendulum Effect on Hotel Rates

Average daily rate per room values has experienced greater growth in the last 3 years, but will price continue to grow rapidly? Will there be a correction?

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black board with chalk writing including the phrase customer loyalty

Loyalty Benefits in More Ways Beyond Net ADR

But beyond a mere net ADR analysis, loyalty adds many other advantages that positively impact your bottom line but are more difficult to trace

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