
Grow Your Restaurant Revenue with the RevPASH Formula

Are you maximising dining space potential? You can look at revenue metrics, like average check size or total sale, but they don’t account for seat occupancy

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How Can Hotels Use Half Board or Full Board to Drive Extra Revenue?

Let’s look at the commonly offered board packages. Why would someone book half board vs full board? How can hotels use these to drive extra revenue?

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A Cautionary Tale for Hotels: Restaurant Supplies and Labor Costs Rising

Supplies and labor costs are rising in the restaurant segment; it’s a similar story for hotels. Are prospective customers willing to pay higher rates?

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Restaurant Revenue Management: How Far Are We From Getting It Right?

Revenue generated is the ultimate goal and in Restaurant Revenue Management we calculate a key performance indicator called REVPASH

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How Your Hotel’s Food and Beverage Strategy is Key to Recovery

For hotels who can provide Food and Beverage in-house, the creative control gives you the possibility to add additional revenue streams

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How to Increase Hotel Revenue Through Food & Beverage Sales

With favourable margins and a shift in customer consumption, Food and Beverage can become an essential lever to increase hotel revenue

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How Hotel F&B Pivoted in Response to Crisis, and What Future Holds

The hotel industry will have to rethink every aspect of F&B operations, from floor layouts to menu offering; we’re in for a challenging ride

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Targeting On-Premise Customer Analytics Delivers Twice The Return

They can marry up analytics from their online research to create rich customer profiles that trigger personalized marketing campaigns and targeted offers

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The Impact of Social Distancing on Hotel F&B Operations

Hoteliers are now forced to decide how best to run their hotel F&B operation, or if running it makes sense. Based on these findings, it’s food for thought

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Flexibility in Reservation Times can Increase Restaurant Revenue

Restaurants that allow diners to book reservations on a flexible schedule can increase revenues by up to 21 percent over those that use rigid timings

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