Revenue is Created Locally, Why the Obsession with Centralization?
The principle that “all revenue is created locally” is a compelling rationale for leaning towards decentralization for hotel revenue-generating functions
How to Make the Most of AI and ChatGPT at Your Hotel
While AI and natural language models like ChatGPT are still in their early stages, it’s already worth exploring the benefits they offer
Sustainability in Hotels: Where Are We and Where to Next?
How do you balance the expectations of guests – and what they’re willing to pay – with effective sustainability practices that work towards real change?
Common Hotel Package Examples and Some Unique Ideas
Far more than just a room booking, a hotel package aims to provide a holistic experience, often at a discounted rate compared to each element separately
2024 Olympics: A Golden Opportunity for French Hoteliers
The right approach for your property will depend heavily on factors like proximity to an Olympics venue, guest needs and revenue generating services on site
Why an RMS Is Not Enough: Hotels Need a Profit-Oriented Approach
Where consumer expectations and industry landscapes continually evolve, sticking to a single-dimension strategy like an RMS for room revenue is insufficient
Elevating Hotel Profits: A Deep Dive into Dynamic Pricing
Dynamic pricing is like a chameleon for prices, changing to match what’s happening in the world around it. It’s about finding the right price at right time
10 Strategies to Captivate Guests and Generate More Direct Bookings
Customization, engagement, and innovation are your greatest allies. Embrace them, and watch your bookings soar to new heights
A Concise Guide to Hotel Inventory Management
Poor inventory management can result in higher operational costs, inefficient use of resources and lost revenue opportunities
Make Guests the Architect of Their Experience to Drive Revenue
Why are hotels still assigning rooms to guests rather than letting them choose the room they want? Booking a hotel room shouldn’t feel like a gamble