The Distribution Trend Hotels Care About Most in 2019
Let’s talk distribution for a minute. Yeah, I know, distribution is one of the least sexy aspects of the hotel industry. It’s also one of the most important, especially for […]

Booking.com: A Partner They Are Not!
You need to watch for a new practice Booking Basic. This is where Booking.com will offer to make a booking for your customer on another third party site if they find a cheaper price than their own site.
Views on Direct Booking and OTAs Vary From Brand to Brand
The collective push by the hotel industry in recent years to get guests to book direct could intensify as new entrants add pressure and competition to the distribution landscape. At […]
2019: The Year Hotels Get a Grip on Acquisition Costs
Examining the challenges and opportunities facing hoteliers in 2019, it might be easy to say, “New year, same old story.” In attempts to drive revenue and increase profitability, hoteliers—like they have for seemingly the past decade—continue to focus on less costly ways to acquire guests.
Get More From Your OTAs (Without Paying More)
There is a lot of debate about not being overly dependent on your OTA (Online Travel Agency) partners and what it does to your profitability. NB: This is an article […]
OTAs and How Hotels Can Best Use Them
When it comes to OTAs, hotels are fixated almost all the time on the same two things. The revenue generated by the room bookings and the commissions
Indian hotels are the latest to declare war on OTAs
Just days after food-delivery apps faced fire from restaurant owners in southern India, online travel agencies (OTAs) are battling opposition from hoteliers in the western part of the country. Around […]
VAT Survival Guide For Irish Hoteliers: 25 Ideas To Slash Cost Of Booking
Regrettably, the rumours have been confirmed. Long feared by tourism businesses all over Ireland, the government has recently declared that the sector’s VAT rate will increase from 9% to 13.5% […]
What Properties Can Learn From Airbnb And The Sharing Economy
First it was the online travel agencies (OTAs) in 2000. Just when hoteliers learnt to co-exist with these intermediaries, along came the revolution that took everyone by storm – the […]
The State of Hospitality Distribution Report: Metasearch
Metasearch Is critical to the travel research process now finds new report, with 94% of travelers reporting that they use metasearch when booking hotels and 73% doing so regularly NB: […]