More Than Commission: The 6 Hidden Costs of OTA Bookings
While online travel agencies are a valuable resource for keeping heads in beds and gaining exposure, the cost of bookings that come through OTA channels hardly ends at the commission.
Price Comparison Widgets: How OTAs Make Them Useless (and Dangerous)
I am not telling you to give up on a price comparison widget. What I’m doing here is simple: I’m proving facts. The facts say price check tools might be useful but only if placed in the right context.
Why Google’s “BERT” Algorithm Update is a Win For Hotel Direct Bookings
While OTAs have traditionally had their results appear in hotel branded search results, Google’s new “BERT” algorithm update has already decreased those appearances and had a significant impact
How Booking Sites Like Expedia Handle Controversial Resort Fees
If you go through a third-party booking site to make hotel reservations, you’ll see certain hotels pop up first over others. In the case of Expedia Group sites, such as […]
The Way Forward for Expedia May Include Selling Off Businesses
Now that the bloodletting at Expedia Group is apparently over, and the CEO and chief financial officer searches are under way, what is the blueprint for getting the company back on track?
OTAs Blaming Google Will Not Lead to Disruptive Innovation
Online Travel Agencies’ complaints about Google are sounding very similar to the complains that travel suppliers (hotels and airlines) have expressed towards OTAs in the past.
SHPM: The Hidden System by Expedia to Undercut Hotel Rates
Hidden system, meaning, none of us is supposed to be knowing about it. Google it: I bet, you won’t find a word. NB: This is an article from Direct Your […]
End of Last Room Availability for Profit Gain
Hotels fought for the rate parity abolition but on the inventory side, hotels are forced to level the playing field due to the Last & Entry Room Availability rules.
How OTAs Use Words To Change Your Perspective … and Your Perception.
Words have the power of changing the world. In our little big world, OTAs know too well how to use words, with travellers to sell them your hotel.
Booking.com change tactics – again! The threat continues…
Just when you through your relationship (and I use that word tentatively as no relationship should be one-sided) with Booking.com couldn’t get any worse, well it has… NB: This is […]