human resources

YouTube thumbnail image for discussion with Strategic Solution Partners about their Talent Trends Study and the potential future hotel workforce crisis

Talent Trends Study: A Future Hotel Workforce Crisis?

We touch on a number of topics from the study, looking at foreboding trends, challenges for education institutions and how the industry must adapt

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thumbnail image image for video discussion with hotellistat about time to stop missing revenue wasting money and wasting time

Time to Stop Missing Revenue, Wasting Money and Wasting Time

As well as looking at the obvious impacts of the incredible amount of time that is wasted, along with missed revenue opportunities and overlooked cost savings

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magnet and people shapes reflecting importance to hotels on focusing on staff retention not just hiring the next person

Retention, Retention, Retention: What Can Hotels Do To Improve It?

We draw on Deanne’s experience and explore the topic of staff retention and tactics to employ to help with the staffing challenges the hotel sector faces

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