
Investing in Financial Leadership in Your Hotel

Brands are good at delivering the service and engagement skills that their leaders need but one big area remains vacant in the hotel industry. Brands don’t teach financial leadership.

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Negative Flow Thru: What Is It And How Do We Measure It

In many hotels at the beginning of a period of declining occupancy and/or rate, the negative flow thru is very high. It’s quite easy for it to exceed negative 100%.

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RevPAR vs GOPPAR and Why We Need a New Champ

I have been around awhile and it’s not like I’m ancient or anything, but I have seen some BIG changes in how we as an industry look at numbers and […]

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Demonstrating ROI in Revenue Management Technology

The revenue management system (RMS) plays a crucial role in the modern hotel technology stack, driving greater profitability and productivity, but demonstrating return on investment (ROI) in a hotel’s revenue […]

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The 5 Hidden Costs of Being a Branded Hotel

Marriott. Hilton. IHG. Wyndham. Choice. For years these chains have publicized the advantages of working with them: advanced loyalty programs that promise to bring consistent customers, low fees, tough negotiations […]

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Earned and Unearned Revenues – Understanding the Difference

Just like baseball has an unearned run as a scoring feature, in business we have unearned revenues. In this piece I will discuss the difference between earned and unearned revenue […]

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How Important Is Strategic Management Accounting to Hotel Managers?

While hotels have long used traditional management accounting practices, their use of contemporary strategic management accounting (SMA) techniques has not been as widespread. As researchers, this intrigued us because studies […]

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VAT Survival Guide For Irish Hoteliers: 25 Ideas To Slash Cost Of Booking

Regrettably, the rumours have been confirmed. Long feared by tourism businesses all over Ireland, the government has recently declared that the sector’s VAT rate will increase from 9% to 13.5% […]

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Best Practices for Managing Hotel Distribution Costs

Distribution costs have been steadily rising over the past several years, driven by the increasing market share of online travel agencies (OTAs). NB: This is an article from Rainmaker In […]

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Take Charge of Your Hotel Budget Process: Identify Your Trends

Amid the flurry of November’s falling leaves, the avalanche of activity surrounding your 2019 budget preparation is most likely in full force. NB: This is an article from Rainmaker New […]

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