Is Google Really Giving Away Free Hotel Ads Space?
Google is now putting stronger emphasis on enhancing their hotels search offering to improve the user experience by offering free booking links in Hotel Ads
Digital Marketing Strategy Which Helps Luxury Resorts Gain New Guests
Content which is engaging, interesting, and relevant to their values will resonate far more than generic marketing or sales messages
Building Guest Personas Reflective of a More Complex World
Creating, or updating, guest personas for your hotel may seem a daunting task. However, as with all successful strategies the devil is in the detail
Stay Out of Spam: Email Deliverability Guide for Hotel Marketers
What’s the point of executing your email marketing strategy if none of your emails find their way to the inbox? That’s where email deliverability comes in!
How To Turn Your Boutique Hotels Upselling Opportunities Into Revenue
Consider different upselling offers for different guest segments. In time you will find the offers which provide the best guest experience and most revenue
Social Media Marketing Trends for Hotel Survival and Recovery in 2021
Social media, which has been the main communication channels for most people during the global pandemic, has become a critical marketing tool for hotels
3 Ways To Fill Social Media Content Gaps When Guests Can’t Post Photos
Experiential marketing, especially on social media, became one of those bright spots in 2020 and will continue to be even more important in 2021
How Hoteliers Can Update Facebook Tracking in 20 Clicks
If you’ve logged into Facebook Ads recently, you’ll probably have seen a warning to prepare your ad account for iOS 14 changes. This is a mandatory update
Five Ways to Use Social Media in Your Recovery Strategy
Executing a strategic social media program has the potential of buoying a successful recovery and boosting long term business growth once the crisis is over
Best Way To Segment Luxury Guests To Target Your Potential Audience
Understanding your potential guests is vital to creating an adaptive communication strategy. High-end hotels are defined by 5 general segmentation types