
sign post saying same old way or something new reflecting the need for hotels to flip the script and understand how to maximize hotel revenue

Flipping the Script: The Truth About Maximizing Hotel Revenue

True revenue success lies in mastering the art of yield management – a strategic approach that goes beyond mere occupancy numbers

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Yield Management: How Your Hotel & Spa Data Makes You Money

While yield management increases revenue, it has more benefits that can improve operations and help businesses run more smoothly. For example:

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triangle sign with the word yield spelt out reflecting the need to understand the difference between yield management and revenue management

Yield Management: How it Can Help You Optimise Your Revenue

Yield management controls enable you to filter your demand so that you can attract the most profitable market segments to your hotel

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coins being stacked up to reflect how focusing on the quality of the guest experience can boosts long term revenue

Little and Often: The Winning Hotel Revenue Strategy?

Rather than just seeing lines on a graph, it is important for hotel owners, managers, and revenue managers to interpret the opportunities that it can yield

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Yield Management: Offensive and Defensive Strategy

Many markets in the U.S. have experienced substantial increases in inventory, with some recording year-over-year supply increases of 5.0% or more. Thus far, occupancy levels have generally remained strong, as […]

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Yield Management in Hotels: Key Factor of Revenue Generation

So, let me start with a question. What do you think is the center of each hotelier’s concerns? Is it occupancy? Is it happy guests? (Well, definitely that’s a must!) […]

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aircraft coming into land provides flight search data useful to hotel revenue managers

The True Essence of Hotel Revenue Management

In 1972, an employee of British Overseas Airways Corporation by the name of Ken Littlewood provided the genesis of what has become today’s revenue management (RM) discipline. NB: This is […]

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The importance of the distribution channel in yield management

The hospitality industry is one of those industries where the people running the show of hotel business cannot lay back and earn easy revenues. Revenues of a hotel may fluctuate […]

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The changed paradigm of yield in revenue management

While yield is a concept which has been central in revenue management for decades, what it covered and focused on has dramatically changed over the years. Yield used to be […]

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