
RoomPriceGenie "Who Are We": In Conversation with Thomas Landen

RoomPriceGenie “Who Are We”: In Conversation with Thomas Landen

In this discussion Thomas tells us more about RoomPriceGenie, the back story to it’s inception and how they add value to their hotel clients

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a reception sign often found at small independent hotels where revenue optimisation is a really key strategy

Do Smaller, Independent Hotels Need an Automated RMS?

Did you know that hotels using automated pricing solutions, on average, experience a 22% increase in revenue and 4% increase in ADR?

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Boost Hotel Revenue: 3 Essential Yield Management Pricing Tactics

Yield Management vs Revenue Management: What is the Difference

If I already have a yield management solution (either as a stand-alone or built into my PMS), why do I need a revenue management system?

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