car hire
Business Travelers To See Air Fares, Hotel Rates And Car Rental Rise
With business ranking sustainability among their top priorities the report highlights greater visibility at the point of sale for greener travel options
Is The Future Of Forecasting Clear For Revenue Managers in Car Rental?
It is essential for Revenue Managers to forecast demand by carefully analyzing multiple parameters such as fleet type, season, location, etc.
Use These US Holiday Insights to Prepare Your Marketing Strategies
Bookings for 2021 holiday travel met or surpassed 2019 levels after the vaccine rolled out, until mid-July when Delta variant slowed down trip planning

Intelligent Data Insights: Putting Car Rental Operators In The Driving Seat
We have developed a solution to specifically address the challenges facing the car rental industry. The result is Fornova Mobility Intelligence (FornovaMI)
Car Rentals See Higher Prices and Demand Surge
Car rentals demand saw an upsurge in most of the cities in the US and Canada. We are witnessing higher pricing arising out of lesser supply
4 Ways Hertz Keeps a Finger on the Customer Pulse
In an increasingly connected and demanding world, established brands cannot afford to stand still. EyeforTravel’s Pamela Whitby hears how car rental firm Hertz is staying on track. If you are […]