Harnessing The Power Of Social Proof For Your Hotel Website
In today’s fiercely competitive digital landscape social proof can be your hotel’s saving grace, engaging online visitors and convert them to loyal guests
10+ Ideas to Enhance Your Guest Experience
We will look at 10+ ideas to improve guest experience at your hotel. Before that, let’s look at some of the benefits of having happy guests
What Motivates Customers to Book Travel?
Understanding external factors that inspire whether or not a customer books a trip, along with what motivates them to upgrade, is key to travel marketing
Expedia Best Practices and Special Programs on Offer
We focus on the specifics, best practices and other aspects of and about Expedia and give you a brief guide to set yourself up in the best possible way
Guests Want Highly Personalized Experiences – Hotels Must Adapt
To achieve a personalized booking journey, intelligent retailing removes dependency to book a room first, and enable the guest to book anything in any order
Is Pent-up Travel Demand At An End? It Depends
Has the pent-up demand that helped fuel a surge in travel as the pandemic ebbed finally run its course? Analyses from two major financial institutions, Mastercard and Bank of America, […]
How do Restrictions Work in Hotel Revenue Management
By managing restrictions, one has the ability to set controls over which bookings are accepted on specific dates or rate types. NB: This is an article from Rateboard For example, […]
Is Facebook Still An Effective Marketing Vehicle for Hotels?
Despite many predictions of a Facebook demise, the platform continues to prove its resilience and maintains its position as a powerful hotel marketing tool
Why You Need to Reconcile Your Credit Cards Every Day
How and why you should balance your hotel credit cards daily. It may sound daunting and that is because most people do it monthly or maybe weekly
5 Big Things That Keep Hotel Sales Managers Up at Night
Most hotel sales teams find themselves staring at a wall that is covered in misplaced darts, with only a select few hitting the target despite their efforts