The Revenue Hub is a platform for news, events, jobs, forums and expert insights dedicated to those professionals in:
Revenue Management, Distribution, Reservations, Front Office, eCommerce and Digital Marketing within the Hospitality, Travel and Leisure markets.
Posting a job on this platform ensures your vacancy is targeted at a specialist audience reducing the number of unqualified applicants applying and ensuring a greater return on your investment.
The job section is dedicated to end user employers and will not feature job adverts from recruitment companies.
There are 3 ‘products’ to choose from:
- Single Job Credit
Credit is valid for 30 days
- 5 Job Credits
Credit is valid for 6 months
- 10 Job credits
Credit is valid for 12 months
Roles posted must require a skill set relevant to our specialist membership – all vacancies posted are validated before listing.
All vacancies are listed in the job section for 30 days.